As Member and Manager of Fifth Element Healing LLC, I promote awakened living through energetic self discovery and personal empowerment. I am a Certified Life Coach and Reiki Master (Usui, The Art of Your Energy), Ordained Interfaith Minister, Healing Touch For Animals Practitioner, The Art of Your Energy Galactic and Celestial Healing and Empowerment Codes Practitioner, and Crystal Therapy Practitioner. I also incorporate synergistic blends of Human Design, Astrology and Tarot into the work I do.
Born and raised in Washington State, surrounded by the beauty of evergreen trees, water and mountains, I’ve been fascinated by nature and the wonders of the universe for as long as I can remember. Nikola Tesla was famously quoted: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Utilizing knowledge gained through education and experience, applied in concert with natural born talents, I delight in serving as a conduit and facilitator for my clients – guiding, celebrating successes, and watching them go forth feeling empowered after our time together! I strive to bring a clearer understanding as to how the various situations and environments we encounter in our daily lives have the potential to affect us on an energetic level, so that we can in turn practice managing our own energy in positive ways.
Thanks for being curious, especially as I realize it’s sort of an unusual “title”, but it fits me well!
I have felt different from others since childhood (and I absolutely get that most of us have in one way or another, for better or for worse, dependent on countless factors). When I was a very young girl, I had the understanding that I was “painfully shy” and was often told I was “too sensitive”. These phrases informed my thoughts and feelings about myself into my teenage years, and certainly didn’t benefit me in the self esteem department. To be very clear, life wasn’t all bad – I grew up with loving parents in a stable household and had a tight circle of friends in school who “got me”. My youth was generally quite happy and lovely and fun…but underneath the surface lurked those dreadful labels that had a tendency to resurface on their own bad timing and whim, as labels like that often do.
Fast forwarding into adulthood, quite a ways into my 30’s, I got to experience energy work for the first time. The way the energy work made me feel helped me connect some dots and finally, FINALLY make sense of the ways I often felt. I now understood that I was responding to feelings of overwhelm in my environment and in myself, and that I was built to process (and recharge) my energetic battery in the manner most often recognized as being an “introvert”. I was very sensitive to the energies in my surroundings (but not “too sensitive”, mind you – that’s the difference!) What a relief and an absolute game changer this was for me – I began to discover that these and other aspects of myself were not so much hindrances but rather, some pretty cool superpowers! (Visualize a magical superhero cape now if you wish, but I would moreso love to help you find and wear yours!) I immersed myself in learning about energy work and quickly found out I was a natural at it because the energetic connections were there all along – woo hoo!
Fast forward again to a more recent time, during a quiet spring weekend in 2023. I’ve always been one to enjoy personality tests and the like, and I decided to check out Human Design for fun. In order to run your chart you need to input your birthdate information, similar to an astrology chart. I punched in the necessary info and the software I had found on the internet spit out a fancy diagram that represented me. It looked like a circuit board, with Channels and Centers and Planets and Gates with numbers and and and…it was strangely insightful and complex, and curiously accurate, in many regards! I was instantly intrigued and a deep dive into understanding and experimenting with the system quickly commenced.
Human Design is known as “The Science of Differentiation”, and this is in part what informs my “title”. For clients who have interest, I utilize portions of the information shown in their personal Human Design chart to help them explore learning about themselves in new ways. I also recognize that Human Design, especially after integrating it into my own life and observing my energetic patterns, along with the astrological transits over time, is not the “be all, end all” – no system along these lines truly is! For example, your chart can drastically change based on the inputs and astrological system used for the calculations (Tropical vs. Sidereal). In other words, the measurements used in the above example change the data provided to you – this may include which Centers are defined or undefined, and so much more! Meanwhile, you’re still YOU, looking at the thing and wondering what’s what.
Human Design is meant to be experimented with through sensing into the information shown and finding out what truly feels right and resonates over time. Quite fabulously, you might even realize you’re so much more than what a chart shows (that’s what happened to me). While it is a wonderful tool which can provide a means for exploration to deeper understandings, some methods of information delivery also carry the unfortunate possibilities of assigning non-beneficial labels of how one “should be”, along with, dare I say, some dogma. Using that particular word might not go over well with some who are deeply immersed in the system; I do realize this. I purposefully choose to use another “D” word in regards to how I utilize the information provided through the system – “Different”!
My goals with the tools I use, including the ways I integrate Human Design, astrology and tarot, are to guide exploration, spark conversation, and ultimately help YOU forge ahead and discover what resonates for you. We are all built different, each and every one of us – it’s supposed to be that way! The time is way past due to recognize our uniquely individual gifts and to celebrate our collective magic!
Human Design stuff and things:
My chart, calculated using Tropical settings, indicates I am an Emotional Generator with a 2/4 (Hermit/Opportunist) Profile. My Incarnation Cross is Right Angle Cross of Service 3.
As shared above, I am an introvert (Hello, Hermit!) who also chooses to extrovert (Hello, Opportunist!) when the time feels right. After expending my energy, I must quietly recharge my battery to embody my best self.
Most memorable irrational childhood fears:
Quicksand (thank you, Gilligan’s Island)
Elevators (thank you, whatever 70’s blockbuster disaster movie that was)
That time I chose to jump out of a perfectly good airplane:
I went tandem skydiving when I was in my mid-20’s, fulfilling a wish I’d had since about the age of 5! My favorite part of the jump was during the free fall. Hurtling back down to Earth at speeds of over 100 mph felt like flying!
Favorite musical artist:
David Bowie. A creative inspo in countless ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Jones. Truly.
You are open to exploring different approaches, perspectives and viewpoints (there's that word again)! You understand that my interpretation of Human Design, Astrology, Tarot, and other tools and systems might not reflect what you have been exposed to in the past.
You believe that science and spirituality can intertwine and harmoniously work together in many beautiful ways.
You are ready to show up for yourself.
Want A Different Life?
Working with A Different Life Coach™ might be just the thing to help you plant those seeds. I look forward to assisting you on your healing journey!