Carl Sagan
One of my heroes is Carl Sagan. See how smiley he is, hanging out with the stars and planets? I invite you to read about Carl here. I refer to him on a first name basis because growing up, he felt like not only a teacher, but friend. When I was a kid back in the early eighties, the original series Cosmos aired on PBS. Every week for a time I tuned in and got to watch Carl teach us something exciting and new. I especially remember the episode where he taught us about dimensions and flatland. I remember having such a WOW! moment watching this (you may need to get through some ads before watching the clip, but it's worth it), and little did I know at the time how much this information would eventually apply in the work I do.
We live in a multidimensional universe, and WE are multidimensional beings! There are SO many things going on around us that human eyes don't typically see, that human ears don't typically hear, etc. As we begin to develop and open our senses more, these other dimensions can start to show themselves and be felt by us.
Carl wrote the book Contact, upon which the movie starring Jodie Foster is based. Have you ever seen the movie? One of my absolute favorite movie scenes, EVER, is where the main character Ellie, played by Jodie Foster, goes on her journey in the machine. It's so exciting to watch as she experiences her travels! To quote from Contact, "The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space." I couldn't agree more, Carl. You left your physical human body back in 1996, and I'll bet you've made a lot of new friends in your celestial journeys since then. Thank you for all of the knowledge, joy and wonder you brought us during your time here on Earth.