Most of us have experienced recurring dreams at some point in our lives and wondered what they meant. For years, one of my dreams was of the horse my parents had until I was around five years old. Most of my memories of her are vague, and generally involve a vision of watching her in her pasture from our living room. She was also one of my favorite things to draw, a beautiful majestic horse reimagined into poorly drawn lines of black and brown crayon.
Sadly, the memory that branded into my psyche the most was the evening she was sold back to her previous owner and rode away in her horse trailer, never to return. I vividly remember watching her disappear down the road and then sitting at the dinner table crying, trying to eat the food in front of me and feeling very very empty. I know my parents loved her and felt very bad, too. My Dad was no longer able to devote as much time to her as he once had, and the decision was made to sell her back so that she could live a more enriched life at a farm with other horses. It was the right and responsible thing to do.
Moving forward into teenage times and adulthood, my dreams started. The recurring theme was that I was my current age (not a little kid anymore but whatever age I was when I had the dream), and I would find her in various places, just standing there all by herself, seemingly waiting and ready to spend time with me. She was young, healthy and vibrant. I would always wake up feeling good, but puzzled. Was she popping in to say hello from the other side?
Fast forward to some years later when I attended a local Intuitive Arts Fair where various psychic readings were being offered. I saw that there was an Animal Communicator offering readings and excitedly booked a session to seek insight into my dreams. Upon sharing my story with her she took a couple of minutes to connect, wrote down her notes and confirmed what I had suspected; my parent’s horse was reaching out to me! We had lived many lifetimes together and were supposed to work together in this lifetime. I sat there in my reading absorbing this information, then wandered out to my car in a daze, took a deep breath and sobbed some of the strongest tears I think I’d ever experienced. Tears of cleansing and confirmation as my heart was bursting with love for her.
After that connection was made the stable door opened, as it were. I remember one time putting gas in my car at a local gas station, getting ready to hit the road on an adventure to one of my Healing Touch for Animals classes. After I paid for my gas and went to get in the car I distinctly smelled hay. This gas station was nowhere near a pasture. I knew she was there with me, encouraging me on my journey. The same thing happened at another class some months later, when I was getting ready to go inside where the class was being held. No pasture, no barn, no horses, but there was the hay smell again – she was making sure I knew she was there to cheer me on!
Another time I recall waking up in the middle of the night with a very big surprise. I was laying on my side in bed, opened my eyes and believe it or not, there was a full sized horse right there next to me in the darkness in spirit form. She was absolutely glowing with bright light and love! Now you get to read why I named this post “Whoa!”, because you know what my silly, surprised self loudly exclaimed? Yeah, that’s right. I said WHOA. As in “Whoa, this is amazingly cool!” but in horse language I was effectively telling her to STOP. So yeah, being the caring spirit that she is, she vanished. I know that she realized she startled me, but I didn’t really mean STOP! Pretty funny actually, wouldn’t you say?
Even though she is not “owned” by anyone, I like to joke that I have the most inexpensive horse a girl could ever ask for. I do not need to buy hay, or pay for boarding or vet bills. I cannot physically touch her or ride her, but the connection is always there. In one of her previous lifetimes with me she was called Star, and I dedicate this post to her. Thank you always, my beautiful, bright shining Star – I love you so very much!